Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Oh my god...

What have I been doing lately....?

I've finished my latest photo assignement. A real paying assignement! I enjoyed it tremendously.I was ask by a fellow student/published author to take some press photos of him. So I did. Some of the photos came out looking awesome, a few like crap. Had searched out a few good locations which I'm very pleased with - and probably will use again.

This is one of the many photos I really liked - so did the author!

I've been postponing work on my thesis so that I have something occupying me when I leave for my mom's place this Thursday. I will stay there until the second week of January (which is a big month for me since its my birth month - I'm an aquarius!). I have also downloaded a great amount of tv series etc. to keep me busy. I don't think I will have any time to sleep at mom's!

I have planned to get internet while I'm at my mum's. I just hope it will work out fine. I will know more certain tomorrow (crossing my finger,toes and legs it will work out fine).

I went to the pre viewing of Twilight! WOW. I loved it. I was really anxious about it, shaking, swetting and nausea. I don't usually like adaptions (always feel the book being the better story) but this I just loved. No big disapointments but then again no big suprises. And it was weird hearing and knowing the score so well during the movie!

I got some late pay from my university and from the photo assignement and I've spent it all on Christmas presents to friend and loved ones. I can't feel any happier!

So this is the last you will hear from me - in 2008 (unless something really, really amazing happens. Like Robert Pattinson arriving on this remote island Im spending my holiday on and asking me to marry him. You will hear from me in such a case).

Until then,

Thursday, 4 December 2008

I' ve been thinking....

about a lot lately.

about me being single for a couple of weeks (already! - time sure does fly). It feels like I actually can go on and live my life now.

about starting on a new literature project. Well its already started but I don't want my hopes up.

about me moving.

about my master thesis (off course).

of starting a blog on my master thesis.

about not getting sick and having enough energy to get through these next couple of weeks.

about Christmas and presents.

A little treat....

Think Fast by =Muu-cow on deviantART

Friday, 21 November 2008

Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest Lyrics

I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
Cause no one else cared
After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here
So if you're asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
And don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

Don't be afraid
I've taking my beating
I've shared what I've mean
I'm strong on the surface
Not all the way through
I've never been perfect
But neither have you
So if you're asking me
I want you to know

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that ive done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are
When my time comes
Forget the wrong that ive done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed
Don't resent me
And when you're feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

All the hurt inside
You've learned to hide so well
Someone else can come and save me from myself
I can't be who you are
I can't be who you are

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Twilight madness

I'm officially going stark mad!

All because of Twilight the movie.

Go team Edward! Go team Jacob!
(like Bella I really can't make a choice between those two)

Twilight HD Trailer

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Friday, 7 November 2008

From the bottom of my heart ....

Can somebody tell me?!
When did fantasy writers start to think highly of themselves? When did they enjoy esteem and prestige? Oh, forget about Tolkien and even perhaps Rowling! They are deviants in this matter.

There wasn't no real money in writing fantasy. It was considered pulp for heaven's sake! No esteemed critic (as they often think upon themselves) would look upon such a piece of crap. Fantasy couldn't compare to real literature!

(Some might interject and state that the current status of fantasy no longer is regarded as crap. Robert E. Howard is now hailed as the king of pulp. And Tolkien and Rowling, I rest my case. To adress those statements I would only remark one thing, these are masters. They have journeyed far and wide!)

My conserns are about this young whelp (Christopher Paolini) responsible for the Inheritance triology, nay Inheritance cycle (!). A good fantasy writer never decides if its a triology or whatever before the books are written!? That would seem like blasphemy against the genre and its followers. Also selling his baby, his prodigy to a movie company and make it into a movie without having the story finished first! ( Where elves and dwarfs had been made into humans!) He really skinned and sold the bear skin before he even new he was going bear hunting! I don't have words!

I actually enjoyed Eragon and Eldest (the two first books in the triology). I read them as a homage to the genre and its past masters. But I am appalled after reading the third and supposedly last book only to find that there is going to be a fourth book. I have no problem with series. I do have a problem with the books being defined as a triology before the story is finished. A triology is made when the story is finished and it happens to be with the third book. It's not a sale gimmick. Or is it?

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Since my last entry...

which also was a failure (!) there has been some massive changes in my life.
Especially in my (from now on non- existent) lovelife. Well, I'm not going to bore you with the details.

Instead I want to share some of my latest entries on my web gallery.

Gipsy Halt

Gipsy Restraint

Gipsy Submission

Monday, 23 June 2008

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Free at last!


so I've finally got my exams out of the way. This means that I have two months of holiday infront of me. YEAH!

I'm so looking forward to it. I've used up my energy this semester (hope something good will come out of it) and its all on school. I'm totally burnt out! I was finished on Tuesday and I have almost only been sleeping since then. But tomorrow I will taste the holiday for shure. I'm taking a trip down to my mother. I hope everything goes ok because I really need this.

After the weekend Im coming back to finish of some appointments before Im really free. I need to meet with the library lady for my subject, the instructor for my master thesis and make appointments with another library about my research work. I need to do all this because though I have holiday, I must use it to get started with my research for the master thesis. But Im looking forward to it.

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

A Summer Shoot

Hi folks!

I'm still having my exams. I'm exhausted and easily distracted but there is only one week left until summer. I'm so looking forward to that!

Wanted to share a series of photos from a summer couple of years back. Enjoy!

Mellow Summer part 1

Mellow Summer part 2

Mellow Summer part 3

Saturday, 17 May 2008

I was tagged

by Idril:

Pick up the nearest book.
Open on page 123.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the next three sentences.
Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.

Hmm, since I'm not reading any books at the present because of my exams (they only consists of articles this semester) I'm readning my comic books over and over again. So for me it had to be Preacher album 3.

"Allfather: Begin
Starr: Bullshit,the winner's a fucking dead man too. You have to listen to me --"

I tagg: Carina,Crisippo, Isis and Bohem

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Biggest this summer?


Monday, 12 May 2008

A must for the musically eclectic!

I have come over some asian pop rock music. Don't know much about it, but it was quite obviuos that I would get a knack for it since I read manga and anime.

Anyway, as I said in the headline: this is a must for all the musically eclectic! I have selected somewhat 50 asian pop rock songs in my playlist.

But to really treat u guys I have also uploaded two music videos for u from two of the bands I've really think says it all. Enjoy - and let the madness begin!



Saturday, 10 May 2008

Always something new


As you can see I've made some changes to this blog. No big deal.
I will try each month to show you poster samples of the movies currently showing at our cinemas. There is of course link to the Trondheim Cinema webpage.
Hope you like it!

Update: Also made a playlist with some songs from the DeathNote anime. One of my favourite manga! Haven't read through the whole series yet and haven't seen the anime, but I guess I won't be dissapointed when I get there.
Enjoy the japanese music!

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Why I don't eat Sushi

by: lolita-art on

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Smoker's Delight

just wanted to share one of my latest distractions. I have almost been bursting with creativity lately and I really don't have the time to explore it since I have started my exams. But I do get distracted and just have to snap a photo or two when the opportunity rises. Enjoy!

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Urban Spaces

I was suddenly struck with some creativity today while I was down to the city centre. Since I moved further from the city centre and has lived more rural for some time now I seemed to have change my opinion of the city. One time it was my dream to live inside the city core, to be part of the pulsating urban life that never seems to sleep.

But that change somehow. Maybe my dreams are changing. Maybe the city is changing. Maybe I'm changing. I don't see the city centre as I used to. There is too many people, too many cars. There is a constant noice. There is garbage and beggars. Smoking children and bitter elders. My heart is beating faster, my puls is rushing. I only want to go home. To were it is quiet. Where I can relax. I'm swetting and my head hurts. It too strict here, to organized. Its a machine.

But then I rememberd what an earlier art professor to me some years back. He said that creativity needs a strict and regulated enviroment to flourish. Air to breath in for humans. It's essensial. And its true. It's why grafitti is a typically urban thing.

While I was thinking this my own creativity bloomed. Like the springtime we are entering. I saw the city differently, no more calmer than before but now I could see the beauty in the urban environment around me. I took out my mobile phone and started to capture some of the beautiful urban spaces that I suddenly found myself in. This is the result:

Saturday, 1 March 2008

So like life

Simply love his cartoons!

Question by *kris-wilson on deviantART

Thursday, 28 February 2008

I love 'em I love 'em I love 'em

Please check out one of my favourite bands
Diablo Swing Orchestra

They make yummi music that are deeply grounded in both metal and jazz. How is that possible you might ask. Listen then and let you head be blown away 'cause this sure swings!!

Balroom Boogie

Poetic Pitbull Revolutions

Sunday, 24 February 2008


- Føkk dæ å!
Linn måtte gripe kanten på kjøkkenbenken sekunder etter at hun hadde skreket til den lukkede døra. Kun et minutt før hadde Thomas åpnet den og gått ut av den med en bag slengt over skulderen. Gått for godt. Linn stryker en hånd over magen mens hun tviholder taket i benken. Det svømmer vått foran øynene og hun kniper dem igjen for å ikke miste balansen. Det knurrer i magen. Hodepinen smyger seg rundt inne i hodet hennes og svetteperler ved tinningen.

Faen å. Thomas kunne ha funket som far til barnet i magen. Han var så jævlig perfekt egentlig! Linn skyter rygg og hviler panna mot armen på benken. Panna er varm. Trang til å puste kontrollert. Hun trekker pusten dypt og truter munnen i det hun slipper det ut igjen. Ta kontroll. Akkurat som jordmora på filmen Thomas hadde leid forrige uke hadde sagt: Du har kontrollen.

Roen senker seg gradvis i magen, men er vedvarende i hodet. Linn slår opp øynene, ser rett ned i trebenkeplata. Årene som går. Linn føler seg både gammel og alt for moderne til dette kjøkkenet. Hun leier leilighet. Faen, Thomas hadde glemt å ordne håret før han gikk. Han ser så teit ut når han ikke har ordna det. Linn blir sint. Nei, oppgitt. Hvorfor kan han ikke ta vare på seg selv? Som om hun ikke hadde nok fra før liksom.

En bølge av jungellyder slår opp fra det hvite kjøkkenbordet fra Ikea. Det henger på veggen under tavla og kan slås sammen sånn at det blir mer plass. Nå er det oppslått, ikke ryddet etter middagen i går og displayet på mobilen lyser blant brukte servietter. Linn vakler mot mobilen. Thomas? Mamma Ruth ringer blinker på displayet. Tommelen finner den grønne knappen.

- Ja …..
- Ja, det e bare mæ. Passe det dårli kanskje?
- Nei, det va itj nå spesielt altså vennen. Æ tenkt bare å hør me dæ om rommet ditt.
- Rommet …? Linn svelger.
- Ja, æ tenkt jo på å kanskje puss det opp. Gjør det te gjesterom. Mal det blått. Vi har da snakka om det.
- Men no har det sæ sånn at Ewy kjem te å treng et kontor.
- Åh ..?
- Ja, vi har da bestemt oss for å prøv det her no da sjø. Liksom bli oss to, fast.
- Åh … trudd dokk va det allerede æ.
- Jo da, men hu har no flytta inn no da. Æ kjeinne mæ som en tenåring igjen æ!
Uansett da, så treng hu et kontor hjæm.
- Ja, det gjør ’a vel. Blått kontor da?
- Nei, det vart faktisk en gråfarge. Den vart så fin altså!
- Vart?
- Ja, nei æ va no skeptisk te den på butikken, men han ma’ainn sa at den kom te å bli helt

ainnerledes bare æ fikk den på veggen.
- Ja, har du ma’rt allerede?
- Ja, mått no det. Ewy e bort heile uka. Jobben.

- All tingan mine da? Linn svelger.
- Dem må no pakkes bort.
- Når må æ kom å gjør det’a?
Linn biter seg i underleppa.
- Nei, de itj nå hast altså. Æ kan kom med eskan når du vil.
Passe dårli på torsdag. Da e æ på spinning etter jobb.
- Eskan?
- Ja, nei æ had no itj tenkt at du sku få nå stress me det. Gikk da fort å ta ne tingan din.
- Du treng dem da sjøl no som du driv å stifte familie, itj sant?
Kordan går det? Had itj du kontroll i går? Kordan e litjpia?
- Mamma, det e en gutt.
- E du sikker på det? Synes det sjer ut som en jentemage æ. Huske når æ gikk me dæ æ, aill

trudd du va gutt, Astrid me, men du vart no heldivis ei lita pie.
- Han hete Stian.
- Ja, dem e vel mer sikker på sånt i dag, lægan å sånn. Had itj du en ramp i klassen på barneskola som hett Stian? Stemmen i den andre enden blir et hakk strammere.
Linn tenker samtidig som hun biter i underleppa.
- Jo. Stian Kjeldsen.
- Va itj det han som stjal derre pengan i korpset?
Stemmen i den andre enden blir enda et hakk strammere.
- Va det sikkert. Linn gir opp.

- Kan itj du å Thomas kom opp hit på søndagen da? Spis middag. Stemmen i den andre enden mildner.
- Så får du sje kor fint det har blitt.
- På kontoret.
- Det passe litt dårli akkurat no.
Linn håper.
- Ewy kjem no hjem på søndagen. Det blir koseli. Æ kan kjør dokk hjæm igjen på kvelden igjen
eller når dokker vil hjæm.
- Nei, det passe itj akkurat no, mamma.
Linn puster tungt ut. Samler litt energi for å avslutte samtalen.
- Har du snakka me mamma?
Stillhet i den andre enden.
- Nei, skjønne itj koffer æ sku det? Hard pust mot røret i den andre enden.
- Nei, tenkt bare æ… Hu snakka om nå papira sist æ prata me ’a.
- Papira, nei, det har itj æ hørt no om.
Utålmodig stemme i den andre enden.
- Nei, da veit itj æ nei. Linn vet det er like før samtalen avsluttes. Bare en liten ting mangler.

Fra den andre enden.
- Ja, nei, hu har vel itj funne sæ nån a’ Astrid….?

Movie Splendor

Movie review of American Splendor (2003, Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini)

I’ve never read the comic "American Splendor" so that wasn’t why I wanted to see this movie. Neither did I know about the directors of the movie or of Harvey Pekar. I ain’t that keen on Paul Giamatti either. So what was it that made me rent this one?

The first reason was my suddenly interest in comics. It’s been a part of my life for some months now. I been reading mangas (japanese comics) for a couple of years but those are just fun and peculiar, right? But taking the step into the graphic novel world took some time for me I must say. And that’s actually weird since many of my friends are self- taught comic experts. I think I wasn’t ready yet for what that universe could give me. But now I must say that I have been around the comic world (a small part of it) and frankly gotten to love (at least some of) them!

The second reason is that I usually have an eye for finding quirky feel good movies. And that’s good because I love them. Sure I can watch your typically Hollywood-teen comedy but I don’t get that much out of it. When I see a movie I want it to give something back to me. After seeing a movie I want to feel that there is some good in the world and be inspired to participate in that goodness (which can of course also be done through a tragedy!)

The third reason is that one of my courses in the university this semester is about documentary film and photography. These weeks we have been discussing how history is being portraited through documentary and fiction film. An interesting subject that I won’t go in to more here. Anyway, it’s interesting to see how historical persons and events are being portraited. And it’s also interesting to look at different types of documentaries and historical fiction.

"American Splendor" - the movie portraits a man who is still alive that writes comics (about his daily life and his surroundings). I thought the movie would be only a fictional version of Pekars life but I was surprised. And I mean good surprised. Cause the movie switches between being fictional with actors and documentary with interviews with the real persons. Pekar himself also has the voice- over during the film and he actually points out one time when you see Giamatti as Pekar that it doesn’t look like him!

It’s a quiet movie. It’s about normal people, and yes normal people are quirky and awkward. It’s part of being normal. I laughed during the movie though I wouldn’t call it a comedy. Hollywood comedies don’t make me laugh. But in "American Splendor" I laughed with the characters and not of them. The persons are so real, so sincere, that they don’t come of as weird or stupid. It’s a warm movie. And it made me want to read the comic (which I guess also was the whole idea with the movie!).

I highly recommend this movie but I guess you have to be a little quirky yourself (and able to be self ironic about it) to enjoy it as much as I did.