Friday, 7 November 2008

From the bottom of my heart ....

Can somebody tell me?!
When did fantasy writers start to think highly of themselves? When did they enjoy esteem and prestige? Oh, forget about Tolkien and even perhaps Rowling! They are deviants in this matter.

There wasn't no real money in writing fantasy. It was considered pulp for heaven's sake! No esteemed critic (as they often think upon themselves) would look upon such a piece of crap. Fantasy couldn't compare to real literature!

(Some might interject and state that the current status of fantasy no longer is regarded as crap. Robert E. Howard is now hailed as the king of pulp. And Tolkien and Rowling, I rest my case. To adress those statements I would only remark one thing, these are masters. They have journeyed far and wide!)

My conserns are about this young whelp (Christopher Paolini) responsible for the Inheritance triology, nay Inheritance cycle (!). A good fantasy writer never decides if its a triology or whatever before the books are written!? That would seem like blasphemy against the genre and its followers. Also selling his baby, his prodigy to a movie company and make it into a movie without having the story finished first! ( Where elves and dwarfs had been made into humans!) He really skinned and sold the bear skin before he even new he was going bear hunting! I don't have words!

I actually enjoyed Eragon and Eldest (the two first books in the triology). I read them as a homage to the genre and its past masters. But I am appalled after reading the third and supposedly last book only to find that there is going to be a fourth book. I have no problem with series. I do have a problem with the books being defined as a triology before the story is finished. A triology is made when the story is finished and it happens to be with the third book. It's not a sale gimmick. Or is it?

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