But that change somehow. Maybe my dreams are changing. Maybe the city is changing. Maybe I'm changing. I don't see the city centre as I used to. There is too many people, too many cars. There is a constant noice. There is garbage and beggars. Smoking children and bitter elders. My heart is beating faster, my puls is rushing. I only want to go home. To were it is quiet. Where I can relax. I'm swetting and my head hurts. It too strict here, to organized. Its a machine.
But then I rememberd what an earlier art professor to me some years back. He said that creativity needs a strict and regulated enviroment to flourish. Air to breath in for humans. It's essensial. And its true. It's why grafitti is a typically urban thing.
While I was thinking this my own creativity bloomed. Like the springtime we are entering. I saw the city differently, no more calmer than before but now I could see the beauty in the urban environment around me. I took out my mobile phone and started to capture some of the beautiful urban spaces that I suddenly found myself in. This is the result:

I'll do this in english since you wrote in english :)
I can relate to what you are saying, I moved from a beautiful house out in the country, to this big pulsating city life that is Newcastle, and it has affected me more than I think I am aware of. It is a slow process getting sucked into such urban city lifes, and they are as magnificently beautiful as they are disgracefully horrific :)
kudos for your lovely phone images, I like them :)
"they are as magnificently beautiful as they are disgracefully horrific"
Love the way you said it!
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