Thursday, 23 July 2009

Look! She smiles!

WOW! Newsflash!
I wasn't even aware that she could smile - or that she could force her face into anything else than the dull look she is always wearing.

Don't get me wrong. I don't hate KStew. I don't care enough. I dislike the Bella character though. But she engages me. Really gets on my nerve. And she is a character I really could love to hate. But KStew ruins it for me. Sorry.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Epleskrotten - a poem

En fortapt sjel i et lite kott
Hva skulle man ikke gjøre
for en epleskrott

Et lite usselt eple
var det jeg tok
For jeg har ikke fet lommebok

Magen vrei seg
der jeg gikk
Et eple var alt den fikk

Da så jeg blått lys
i det fjerne
Jeg ble som gele i knærne

Nå sitter jeg innesperret
bak lås & slå
Og jeg tenker på

Det er ingen forskjell
mellom stort og smått
- På et hus og en epleskrott.

EANphoto at the age of the 12

Saturday, 7 March 2009

The celebration of the International Women's Day, March 8

I just wanted to give all of you a real treat :)

Scary Bitches with Lesbian Vampyres from Outer Space. Enjoy!

Thursday, 19 February 2009

The Secret

Sometimes things just happen.
Sometimes it happens the way you want it, sometimes it doesn’t.
Something has happened to me.
But it didn’t happen in any of the ways I’ve described before. It happened wrong.
But still it feels right.

Let me start at the beginning, not at The Beginning,
that story has been told so many times before,
but at the beginning of what happened.

Me, myself and I, as I like to call them, were sitting in me ’s room
one afternoon, actually any afternoon that you could think of.
The birds in the tree were singing,
the bells from the church had just stopped ringing
and me, myself and I had all bodies that were tingling
from what me had to tell.

Me told the other two what she knew.
She didn’t leave out a bit, she had more the problem of keeping it clear.
But she told them the way it happened, or more likely she told them more,
and the others gasped and gazed.

They could not believe it, well they believed every word.
Their friend would not lie, but there where something in the story that didn’t add up.
And it could be that it just was the wrong day to tell them or that they didn’t like her much.

But they did care for her and her words split their minds as they sat there one afternoon, actually any afternoon that you could think of.
Myself was the tall one,
I was strong one
and me, who told her very best friend a secret, was the wrong one.

They didn’t react the way me had wanted. Or the way she had planned it.
She felt very anxious and crept along the floor.
Myself and I took a very long time before they spoke and when they did, they whispered.
Me didn’t know what to think. Her mind were filled with dangerous thoughts
of friends who didn’t like her, though she tried to make it right.
Me tried to help two friends and the result would be she could loose them both.

That chance she had to take, she could do things much better
One afternoon, actually any afternoon that you could think of.
Me didn’t realise it,
she merely disguised it
and boldly me said it:
I like myself