I've finished my latest photo assignement. A real paying assignement! I enjoyed it tremendously.I was ask by a fellow student/published author to take some press photos of him. So I did. Some of the photos came out looking awesome, a few like crap. Had searched out a few good locations which I'm very pleased with - and probably will use again.
This is one of the many photos I really liked - so did the author!
I've been postponing work on my thesis so that I have something occupying me when I leave for my mom's place this Thursday. I will stay there until the second week of January (which is a big month for me since its my birth month - I'm an aquarius!). I have also downloaded a great amount of tv series etc. to keep me busy. I don't think I will have any time to sleep at mom's!
I have planned to get internet while I'm at my mum's. I just hope it will work out fine. I will know more certain tomorrow (crossing my finger,toes and legs it will work out fine).
I went to the pre viewing of Twilight! WOW. I loved it. I was really anxious about it, shaking, swetting and nausea. I don't usually like adaptions (always feel the book being the better story) but this I just loved. No big disapointments but then again no big suprises. And it was weird hearing and knowing the score so well during the movie!

I got some late pay from my university and from the photo assignement and I've spent it all on Christmas presents to friend and loved ones. I can't feel any happier!
So this is the last you will hear from me - in 2008 (unless something really, really amazing happens. Like Robert Pattinson arriving on this remote island Im spending my holiday on and asking me to marry him. You will hear from me in such a case).
Until then,